🎉 The Parity Data Team's 2023 End Of Year report is out, check it out here 🎉


High level activity metrics for relay chains and parachains

Race Animation

Source: DotLake

Number of Accounts Active

Number of Accounts Active The number of active substrate accounts is based on fee-paying unique accounts with signed extrinsics. Active EVM accounts are based on extrinsics calls to `evm.Executed` and/or `ethereum.Executed`.

Source: DotLake

Number of Unique Accounts

Number of Unique Accounts The number of unique accounts with a non-zero balance.

Source: DotLake

Number of Transactions

Number of Transactions The number of fee-paying, signed extrinsics for substrate and calls to `evm.Executed` and/or `ethereum.Executed` for EVM. Failed transactions are included provided a fee was paid.

Source: DotLake

Number of Events

Number of Events The number of events originiating from extrinsic calls along with OnInitialize and OnFinalize type events.

Source: DotLake

Metrics Table

Data Availability

The table belows highlights which metrics are currently available and what to expect next.

Metric Substrate EVM Daily Monthly Kusama
Accounts Active Available Available Available Available Available
Unique Accounts Available Coming Soon Coming Soon Available Coming Soon
Transactions Available Available Available Available Available
Events Available N/A Available Available Available