🎉 The Parity Data Team's 2023 End Of Year report is out, check it out here 🎉


Activity metrics for ink! Smart Contracts

Number of Contract Codes

Number of Contract Codes The number of distinct code hashes from storage function `Contracts.CodeInfoOf`.

Source: DotLake

Number of Contracts Deployed

Number of Contracts Deployed The number of distinct contracts deployed from storage function `Contracts.OwnerInfoOf`.

Source: DotLake

Number of Contract Owners

Number of Contract Owners The number of distinct contract owners from storage function `Contracts.OwnerInfoOf`.

Source: DotLake

Contract Transaction Fees (USD)

Contract Transaction Fees (USD) The sum of transactions fees converted to USD based on end-of-day prices.

Source: DotLake

Contract Deposits (USD)

Contract Deposits (USD) The sum of native token deposited in the smart contract converted to USD based on end-of-day prices.

Source: DotLake

Contract Language Distribution

Contract Language Distribution The programming language used for the smart contract development.

Source: DotLake

Contract Language Version

Date Network Chain Spec Version

Contract Version The contracts pallet spec verion obtained from the storage function.

Source: DotLake